The Long Shadow is a seven part drama following the desperate five-year hunt for serial killer Peter Sutcliffe, sensitively focussing on the lives of the victims who crossed his path and those of the officers at the heart of the police investigation. With the victims, their families and the survivors at the heart of this series, The Long Shadow brings a new perspective to a well-documented story.
Toby Jones, David Morrissey, Katherine Kelly, Lee Ingleby, Jill Halfpenny, Jasmine Lee-Jones, Liz White and Daniel Mays star with the drama produced by New Pictures and solely written by George Kay. Coming to ITV1 and ITVX this September.
All episodes are directed and executive produced by Lewis Arnold.
Reviews: The Guardian, The Telegraph, inews, The Times, Daily Mail, The Financial Times.
“On the basis of last night’s first episode – beautifully shot and rich in period detail – it’s not exploitative or sensationalised. Rather, it is a powerful, poignant piece, with some outstanding performances”
– iNews5*
“A crime drama that honours the victims”
– The Times 4*
“Poignant Sutcliffe drama might be the series of the year”
– iNews 5*
“A devestating spotlight on the women murdered by Peter Sutcliffe’
– The Guardian 4*
“Remarkable drama does justice to victims and dedicated police”
– The Daily Mail 5*
“The Long Shadow is considered insensational handling of a story steeped in tabloid headlines, made all the more chilling by the fact that we know what is to come”
– The Telegraph 4*
“The Long Shadow is deliberately paced and sombrely executed, but driven by both compassion for the women and anger at a society that reduces people to desperation, breeds violent misogynists and denigrates the most vulnerable.”
– The Financial Times 4*